Jennifer Gwendolyn Utoh, MD

CenterWell Jacinto City

1910 John Ralston Rd.,

Suite 200

Houston, TX 77013


Albany Medical College

Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Family Medicine 2018

Dr. Jennifer Utoh is a board-certified family medicine physician practicing medicine since 2015. Dr. Utoh earned her medical degree from Albany Medical College of Union University in Albany, New York, in 2015. She completed her family medicine residency at the Lone Star Family Health Center in Conroe, Texas. Her hospital affiliations include East Houston Medical Group. Dr. Utoh has shared that she was inspired to become a doctor at a young age and was drawn to CenterWell for its team-based, holistic healthcare model. She is passionate about ensuring all decisions are made with her colleagues and patients at the top of mind. Outside of the office, she finds joy in spending time with her family and three dogs.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 6419288
  • Allwell Medicare by Superior: P10010058824
  • Cigna: 1770963357
  • Humana: 628450
  • Medicaid: 3715872
  • Medicare Railroad: P02395875
  • Medicare: 825561
  • WellPoint: 14616913
  • Wellcare: 2019143

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