Taylor Brooke Moran, MD

CenterWell Victory Heights

2104 E. Victory Drive

Savannah, GA 31404


Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Internal Medicine 1

Taylor Moran, MD is a board-certified physician, specializing in internal medicine. Dr. Moran earned her Medical Degree from Mercer University School of Medicine in Savannah, GA, in 2021 after completing her undergraduate studies at the Kennesaw State University, Magnum Cum Laude, where she received a Bachelor of Science with a major in Biochemistry in 2017. She completed her internal medicine residency at the Memorial Health University Medical Center in July 2024. Before joining CenterWell in October 2024, Dr. Moran served as a Primary Care Physician at ChenMed in Savannah, GA, where she provided comprehensive primary care services for seniors. Dr. Moran believes that taking the time to listen to her patients is key to improving their quality of life and health. She entered the healthcare field because she has always had a passion for helping others and serving her community. Since July 2023, she has been part of the Quality and Patient Safety Committee at the Memorial Health University Medical Center. Outside of work, Dr. Moran enjoys cooking, golfing, and spending time with family.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 8676669
  • Anthem: 1649866724
  • Cigna: 1649866724
  • DeVoted: 1649866724
  • Humana: B01129
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00939177
  • Medicare: G1254065
  • Sonder Health Plan: 1649866724
  • United Healthcare: 00040682139
  • Wellcare: 4420465

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