Sofia Isabel Barbosa, MD

CenterWell North Charleston

1213 Remount Rd.,

Suite E

North Charleston, SC 29406


Wake Forest U Bowman Gray School Of Medicine

Languages spoken

English, Spanish

Board certifications

American Board of Internal Medicine 1996

Dr. Sofia Barbosa is a board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine. She has worked as a medical doctor since 1992. Dr. Barbosa completed her internship and residency training in internal medicine at North Carolina Baptist Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in 1995. She earned her medical degree from the Bowman Gray School of Medicine at Wake Forest University, graduating With Honors. She attended Vanderbilt University for her undergraduate studies and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. Before joining CenterWell in 2023, Dr. Barbosa practiced as an internist and hospitalist in various settings, including Kindred Hospital in Charleston, South Carolina, where she spent three years of her career. She worked as an internist in the Emergency Department at Huntsville General Hospital in Huntsville, Alabama, for one year. After finishing her residency, she practiced medicine as an internist at Aegis Family Health Centers in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, for three years, gaining vital experience treating seniors. Outside of work, Dr. Barbosas favorite pastimes include reading and traveling.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 5544050
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield: 1891897369
  • Cigna: 1891897369
  • DeVoted: LX468K-AB
  • Humana: 476415
  • Medicaid: 267517
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00418174
  • Medicare: SCM763L064
  • United Healthcare: 00040670431
  • Wellcare: 1891897369

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