Shante P Gleaton, APRN

CenterWell Fairwold

5900 N. Main St.

Columbia, SC 29203


Languages spoken


Board certifications

Dr. Shante Gleaton's “innate desire to serve others” led her to the healthcare profession. “My favorite part of my profession is empowering patients to take control of their health and healthcare,” she says. She is passionate about “preventative care, early intervention, and effective chronic disease management.” She actively “listens with empathy” to connect with patients and wants them to know they matter.“I choose to work with the senior population to assist patients coping with the challenges of aging. This also affords me the opportunity to hear a treasure-trove of stories and a wealth of knowledge,” she explains. Dr. Gleaton enjoys traveling, reading, and arm knitting in her free time. She also follows a vegan diet.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 6442835
  • Cigna: 1699248369
  • DeVoted: 1699248369
  • Humana: 065654
  • Medicaid: NP5783
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00901164
  • Medicare: SCE711O158
  • United Healthcare: 00011015757
  • Wellcare: 4106513

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