Renee Broussard, APRN

CenterWell Beaumont

4886 Dowlen Rd.

Beaumont, TX 77708


Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2017

Renee Nicole Broussard, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, a board-certified family nurse practitioner, earned her Master of Science in Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner with a 4.0 GPA from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Her training covered over 600 clinical hours including adult, women's health, and geriatric primary care. Before joining us in 2024, Ms. Broussard was a family nurse practitioner with the Gerstenberg Clinic, conducting physical assessments, interpreting labs, and educating patients on managing acute and chronic illnesses. She previously collaborated with multidisciplinary teams to provide comprehensive care as an FNP at Folsom Medical Group and has experience as an RN in the telemetry unit at Baptist Hospital, monitoring patients with chronic illnesses. Ms. Broussard chose healthcare to make a meaningful impact in her community and is passionate about heart health, managing diabetes, and easing loneliness. Committed to patient advocacy, quality care, and open communication, she believes taking the time to listen to her patients is crucial for their health and quality of life. Outside of work, she enjoys family time, traveling, and connecting with nature.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 4985681
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield: 1316478506
  • Medicare: 7D0919

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