Miesha Kia Jayne Kindell, APRN

CenterWell Wendover

901 North Wendover Rd.

Charlotte, NC 28211


Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2015

Miesha Kindell, ARNP, joined CenterWell as a board-certified family nurse practitioner. Ms. Kindell earned her Master of Science in Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner from South University with high academic honors, completing 180 clinical hours across multiple specialties, including adult and gerontology, women's health, and family health. She obtained her BSN from Florida State University. Before joining CenterWell in 2023, Ms. Kindell was an ARNP acute care hospitalist and a nurse practitioner in internal medicine with Rowan Diagnostics Clinicians-Novant Rowan Medical Center in Salisbury, NC. She was previously a family nurse practitioner at CVS Minute Clinic in Charlotte, NC, and an ARNP hospitalist with Central Florida Hospitalist Partners. Earlier, she practiced as an RN in hospital settings, including the ER, ICU, and post-anesthesia care units. With a deep respect for seniors, she embraces a philosophy of caring for people regardless of age or circumstances, echoing CenterWell's patient-centered values. Ms. Kindell chose healthcare to help others and serve the community. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling, attending sports events, and spending time with her family.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 6144753
  • Cigna: 1306202742
  • Humana: Center ID 065864
  • Medicaid: 1306202742
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00706115
  • Medicare: NCZ165N975
  • United Healthcare: 1306202742
  • Wellcare: 3843169

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