LuAnne Kem Lewis, MD

CenterWell Tidewater

7525 Tidewater Dr.,

Suite 19

Norfolk, VA 23505


Wake Forest University School Of Medicine

Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Internal Medicine 2015

Dr. LuAnne Kem Lewis earned her medical degree from Wake Forest University after completing a Bachelor of Arts in Pre-Med from Houghton College. She also holds a Master's in Counseling from Regent University and a Certificate in Business Administration for Physicians from Auburn University. Dr. Lewis obtained the United Hero Award in 2023. She is a member of the American College of Physicians and the Southern Medical Association. Before joining us in 2024, Dr. Lewis was a senior partner at JenCare in Newport News, VA, providing comprehensive care for older adults and leading a women's therapy group. She previously saw patients as a staff physician with Sentara Healthcare in Isle of Wight, VA, and as an ER physician with the Schumacher Group in Edenton, NC, with earlier roles as the medical director of Smithfield Family Practice and Gates County Medical Center. Dr. Lewis chose medicine guided by her faith, and embraces a holistic approach to medicine, treating the whole patient—mind, body, and spirit—with an emphasis on preventive care and group counseling. In her free time, she enjoys being with her family, singing in her church choir, and outdoor activities like watersports.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 4466907
  • Anthem: 22792967
  • Cigna: 1760466759
  • Humana: A30691
  • Medicaid: 1760466759
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00887682
  • Medicare: VV9502O264
  • Sentara Health: 11117532
  • United Healthcare: 001727795004

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