John Joseph Oliga, MD

CenterWell Old National

6085 Old National Hwy.,

Suite G

South Fulton, GA 30349


Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Internal Medicine 1996

Dr. John J. Oliga, a board-certified internist, completed his internal medicine residency at Emory University Affiliated Hospitals in Atlanta, Georgia, where he trained at Grady Memorial Hospital, Emory University Hospital, Crawford Long Hospital, and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Passionate about educating and supporting his patients in maintaining healthy hearts, Dr. Oliga earned his medical degree from Howard University College of Medicine in Washington, DC. He obtained his B.S. in Biology from Chaminade University of Honolulu in Honolulu, Hawaii. Dr. Oliga is an American College of Physicians and Atlanta Medical Association member. Before joining CenterWell in 2023, Dr. Oliga practiced internal medicine with Emory at Flat Shoals Primary Care in Decatur, GA, starting in 1996. He values seniors and believes that taking the time to understand their needs is vital for improving their health and quality of life, underscoring CenterWell's approach to care. Dr. Oliga chose medicine because of the countless opportunities to impact the lives of individuals of all ages positively. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his family, exploring new places, and volunteering.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 5523488
  • Anthem: 1013021781
  • Cigna: 1013021781
  • DeVoted: 1013021781
  • Humana: 014585
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00559733
  • Medicare: G071135196
  • Sonder Health Plan: 1013021781
  • United Healthcare: 00040620676
  • Wellcare: 3548796

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