Cynthia Cox Mahin, MD

CenterWell Dixie Highway

4917 Dixie Hwy.,

Suite E

Louisville, KY 40216


University Of Louisville School Of Medicine

Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Family Medicine 2017

Dr. Cynthia Mahin is a board-certified family medicine specialist. Dr. Mahin completed her family medicine residency at Wright State University in Dayton, OH, in 2014. She earned her medical degree from the University of Louisville in 2010 after receiving her Master of Science in Physiology and Biophysics and a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY. She's an AAFP, KAFP, and Delta Sigma Theta member. Dr. Mahin was a primary care provider with Baptist Health Medical Group. She was the medical director and a primary care physician at JenCare Senior Medical Center, overseeing a clinical staff honored as a Business First Health Care Hero Finalist in 2019 for their positive impact on their community, caring for the poor and uninsured. Dr. Mahin's passion for addressing diabetes, heart health, and food insecurity goes hand in hand with her affinity for empowering older adult patients to make healthier choices. Outside of her work, she enjoys cooking and spending quality time with her family.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 4163757
  • Anthem: 1102194514
  • DeVoted: LX469U-AA
  • Humana: A96884
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00653500
  • Medicare: K0000701
  • United Healthcare: 00010923110
  • Wellcare: 3796968

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