Cecile Catalan Dadivas, MD

CenterWell River Hills

105 River Hills Rd.,

Suite A

Asheville, NC 28805


University Of The East Ramon Magsaysay College

Languages spoken

English, Tagalog

Board certifications

American Board of Family Medicine 1997

Dr. Cecile Dadivas, a board-certified family medicine specialist, completed the Hudson Valley Family Practice Residency at St. Francis Hospital in Poughkeepsie, NY, affiliated with Mt. Sinai Hospital, in 1997. Dr. Davidas earned her medical degree from the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center in Manila, Philippines. She received her A.B. in Psychology from the University of the Philippines. Before joining our center in 2024, Dr. Dadivas practiced family medicine with Mid-Michigan Medical Group in Greater Lansing, MI, and previously at Henry Ford Allegiance Hospital in Jackson, MI. She has extensive experience working with seniors, addressing their needs and challenges. Dr. Dadivas believes taking the time to listen to her patients is key to improving their health and quality of life. Dr. Dadivas chose medicine to help others and serve her community. Dr. Dadivas is focused on addressing health issues such as diabetes, loneliness and socialization, and obesity. Outside of work, she enjoys interior design, DIY projects, gardening, photography, spending time outdoors, and traveling.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 7616019
  • Cigna: 1609822865
  • DeVoted: 1609822865
  • Humana: A57562
  • Medicaid: 1609822865
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00799763
  • Medicare: NNZ051N975
  • United Healthcare: 00010973985

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