Alagusivakumari Rameshbabu, MD

CenterWell Montclaire

5415 South Blvd.

Charlotte, NC 28217


Tirunelveli Medical College

Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Internal Medicine 2015

Dr. Kumari Ramesh (Alagusivakumari Rameshbabu), a fellowship-trained, board-certified internal medicine and geriatric medicine specialist, performed her fellowship in geriatrics at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in 2015 following her internal medicine internship and residency at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, and internal medicine residency at Madras Medical College, India. Dr. Ramesh earned her medical degree from Tirunelveli Medical College and Hospital in 1992. She holds Patient Safety, Quality, Cost Effectiveness, and Leadership Skills certifications from the Institute of Healthcare Improvement. Dr. Ramesh was the chief medical officer of C.W. Williams Community Health Center in Charlotte, NC. She previously held positions including hospitalist PRN with Novant Health, executive medical director of WellPath Health in Columbia, SC, and chief of Wound Care at WJB, Dorn VA Medical Center in Columbia, SC. Outside of work, she enjoys volunteering, spending quality time with her family, and traveling.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 7663424
  • Medicaid: 1942074950
  • Medicare: NNL196N975

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