Stephanie A Ikeme, DO

CenterWell State Ave

7527 State Ave.

Kansas City, KS 66112


University Of Medicine And Dentistry Of New Jersey

Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Osteopathic Board of Family Medicine 2012

Dr. Stephanie A. Ikeme is a dedicated and highly skilled Family Medicine Physician with a strong commitment to improving patient outcomes and experiences. Dr. Ikeme graduated from Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine with a Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine. She also holds certificates in Medical Science and Biological Science from Drexel University College of Medicine and a Bachelor of Science from Saint Joseph's University. Dr. Ikeme is board certified in Family Medicine and has passed COMLEX I, II, and III. Dr. Ikeme's professional journey includes roles at St. Luke's Health System, Mosaic Life Care at Shoal Creek, Mercy Health Center at Providence, and Chespenn Health Services. Her extensive experience in family medicine has equipped her with exceptional skills in patient safety, practice management, and clinical leadership. Throughout her career, Dr. Ikeme has been recognized for her dedication to patient care and her ability to drive quality improvements.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 9727789
  • Cigna: 1790921914
  • DeVoted: LX4767-AB
  • Humana: 418041
  • Medicaid: 30003982000002
  • Medicare Railroad: P02228438
  • Medicare: KA4331014
  • United Healthcare: 00010664692
  • Wellcare: 1790921914

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