Michielle N Fisher, MD

CenterWell Redbird

3209 W Camp Wisdom Rd.

Dallas, TX 75237


Meharry Medical College School Of Medicine

Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Internal Medicine 2001

Dr. Michielle N. Fisher is a board-certified internal medicine and geriatric medicine physician. She has been dedicated to the care of seniors and has provided primary care for seniors for almost 20 years. During her years of practice, she has volunteered in the community and has written a grant to obtain a VeinViewer to assist with blood draws for frail seniors. She has also authored and published two research studies related to seniors during her geriatric medicine fellowship training. Dr. Fisher practiced at Parkland Health Geriatric Clinic and Parkland Health Senior HouseCalls, visiting homebound frail seniors in the Dallas area. Through her experience, she learned individualized approaches to treating vulnerable seniors with complex, chronic conditions. She enjoys teaching her patients about preventive medicine. What makes her smile is the laughter and joy of others and she loves spending quality time with her family.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 7528911
  • Cigna: 1548243538
  • Humana: 069092
  • Medicare Railroad: P02744316
  • Medicare: 2L8036
  • WellPoint: 15615619
  • Wellcare: 3223047

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