Yamil A Carlo Lopez, MD

CenterWell Leesburg

941 N 14th St.

Leesburg, FL 34748


Languages spoken

English, Spanish

Board certifications

Yamil A. Carlo Lopez, MD is a dedicated and knowledgeable Primary Care Physician with a strong commitment to patient care. Dr. Carlo Lopez earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara in December 2016 and holds a Bachelor's degree in Biology from Universidad Interamericana de San Germán. Dr. Carlo Lopez is certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Basic Life Support (BLS), HIPAA, and Privacy and Security Awareness. He also holds certifications in Hormone Replacement Therapy and Medical Cannabis in Puerto Rico. Prior to his current role, Dr. Carlo Lopez worked in the emergency rooms of several hospitals in Puerto Rico, including Hospital Metro Pavia Mayaguez, Yauco, San German, Arecibo, and CIMA Isabela. He also served as Chief Intern during his medical internship at Hospital Metro Pavia Perea Mayaguez, where he demonstrated strong leadership and coordination skills. Outside of his professional life, Dr. Carlo Lopez is committed to continuous learning and staying updated with the latest medical advancements.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield: 4F7AL
  • Medicaid: 116896600

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