Stephanie A Jolly, MD

CenterWell Veterans

1020 Veterans Pkwy.,

Suite 700

Clarksville, IN 47129


Indiana University School Of Medicine

Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Family Medicine 2019

Stephanie Ann Jolly, MD is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and holds medical licenses in both Indiana and Kentucky. Dr. Jolly earned her Medical Degree from Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, IN, after completing her undergraduate studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, where she received a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Arts with majors in Biology and Religious Studies and a minor in Chemistry. Dr. Jolly has extensive experience in primary care and urgent care settings. She most recently served as a Primary Care Physician at Crossover Health in Jeffersonville, IN, where she provided comprehensive primary care services. Prior to this, she worked with Baptist Health Medical Group in Crestwood, KY, delivering outpatient primary care to a diverse patient population. Dr. Jolly also has experience in urgent care, having worked at Norton Immediate Care Center in Louisville, KY. Outside of her professional life, Dr. Jolly has volunteered with the Amazon Mission Organization in Brazil, providing medical care to people in the Amazon River Valley.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Medicare: IN5754027

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