Marcos Antonio Rivera Roman, MD

CenterWell Sanford - Coming Soon!

3647 S. Orlando Dr.

Sanford, FL 32773


University of Health & Sciences of Antigua

Languages spoken

English, Spanish

Board certifications

Marcos Antonio Rivera Roman, MD is a dedicated and compassionate General Practitioner with extensive experience in both nursing and medicine. Dr. Rivera Roman earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Health Science Antigua and holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Puerto Rico - Arecibo. Dr. Rivera Roman holds certifications in Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). Dr. Rivera Roman currently serves as a Physician at Innovacare Healthcare in Orlando, FL, where he evaluates, diagnoses, and treats Medicare patients in an office setting. He has also worked as an Event Medical Staff Physician for Oncall Health in San Juan, PR, providing medical services at mass events, and as a Hospice Physician at Hospicio San Lucas in Ponce, PR, where he oversaw patients' hospice care teams. Outside of his professional life, Dr. Rivera Roman is committed to continuous learning and staying updated with the latest medical advancements. His dedication to patient care and his extensive experience makes him a valuable asset to the healthcare community.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Medicare: UJ755

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