Kristy Zaneta Levarity-Conley, MD

CenterWell Morrow

1821 Mount Zion Rd.

Morrow, GA 30260


University Of Florida College Of Medicine

Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Family Medicine 2010

Dr. Kristy Levarity-Conley, a board-certified family medicine specialist, completed her family practice residency at Columbus Regional Medical Center in 2009, following obstetrics and gynecology residencies at Atlanta Medical Center and Washington Hospital Center. Dr. Levarity-Conley earned her medical degree from the University of Florida College of Medicine and a B.S. in Biochemistry from Florida State University. Her accolades include the National Science Foundation Fellowship and Alpha Epsilon Delta Honor Society induction. Before joining us in 2024, Dr. Levarity-Conley was the medical director of Walmart Health/MC Medical in Woodstock, GA, and a family physician with Southeast Permanente Medical Group in Atlanta. From 2010 to 2016, she provided urgent care and family medicine across Georgia clinics. Passionate about exercise, nutrition, and combating loneliness, she finds working with seniors rewarding and takes pride in delivering personalized care that enhances their quality of life. Dr. Levarity-Conley chose medicine out of a passion for helping others and serving her community. Outside of work, she enjoys time with her husband and two daughters, traveling, and dancing.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Anthem: 1760672281
  • DeVoted: 1760672281
  • Humana: 12443
  • Medicare: G1254126

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