Kanchan Puranik McMahan, MD

CenterWell Gastonia

2910 East Franklin Blvd.,

Suite 1

Gastonia, NC 28056


University Of Tennessee College Of Medicine

Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Internal Medicine 1996

I genuinely care about my patients and listen to their concerns. Earning my patients' trust and giving them the knowledge they need to improve their health helps me provide quality care. I'm dedicated to giving my patients the information they need to make good decisions about their health. I did my internal medicine residency at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and earned my medical degree from Duke University. I also worked in internal medicine at Oak Street Health, CaroMont Health, and Gaston Family Health Services. I'm lucky to have a loving and supportive husband and two wonderful daughters. I'm very close to my family here and in India. When I'm not working, I enjoy hiking, traveling, reading, cooking and practicing yoga.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 5568321
  • Cigna: 1649258492
  • DeVoted: 1649258492
  • Humana: 328955
  • Medicaid: 1649258492
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00277405
  • Medicare: NNA668H224
  • United Healthcare: 00040620724
  • Wellcare: 3285604

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