Julie Bavin, APRN

CenterWell Hunters Creek

14075 South Town Loop Blvd.

Orlando, FL 32837


Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2015

Julie Bavin, APRN, is a board-certified advanced practice registered nurse specializing in family medicine. Ms. Bavin graduated from South University with her master's degree in nursing. In her role as APRN, she understands how the senior-centered healthcare model offered at CenterWell provides her patients who suffer complex chronic conditions easier accessibility to the individualized care they need, as well as better quality care at a lower cost to the senior population. What Ms. Bavin enjoys most about coming into the center is spreading health promotion education and watching each of her patients maintain their mental and physical health. She enjoys being part of the CenterWell team because she believes in the strong foundation that promotes the well-being of its employees and encourages self-advancement. Ms. Bavin ensures patient satisfaction by encouraging shared decisions when addressing each patient's health and wellbeing. When she is not at the office, she enjoys exercising and spending a nice day out on the beach, as well as watching sports.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield: RYNHA
  • CarePlus: 1127233
  • Cigna: 1023481025
  • Medicaid: 017319700

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