Julia B Idemudia, APRN

CenterWell Sun City

14813 N Del Webb Blvd.

Sun City, AZ 85351


Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2018

Julia Idemudia, NP-C, a dedicated board-certified nurse practitioner, earned her Master of Science in Nursing, Nurse Practitioner, With Honors, a BSN from Grand Canyon University, an ASN from Glendale Community College, and an LPN degree from Metro Tech. Before joining CenterWell in 2023, Ms. Idemudia provided care with the Little Clinic in Avondale, Arizona. As a provider-nurse practitioner with Arizona Medical Group, she focused on adult geriatric patients in skilled nursing, long-term care, assisted living, and private homes. In hospital settings, she served as a staff nurse in the Observation Unit, ICU-MOSU, and progressive care units at Banner Estrella Medical Center. Throughout her career, she has been a passionate advocate for patients, ensuring they and their families clearly understand treatment options and available community resources, supporting CenterWell's approach to care. Ms. Idemudia chose healthcare driven by her desire to save lives and her deep affection for seniors. Outside of work, she dedicates time to continuous learning and acquiring new skills and techniques. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, and taking in natures splendor.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 6915814
  • Alignment: CCG043AZ5P1356826341
  • Banner Health: 1356826341
  • Cigna: 1356826341
  • DeVoted: 1356826341
  • Humana: 54378
  • Medicaid: 443968
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00452093
  • Medicare: Z286581
  • SCAN: 488971
  • WellPoint: 1356826341
  • Wellcare: 1356826341

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