James Emerson, APRN

CenterWell Primary Care Anywhere - Georgia

6085 Old National Hwy.,

Suite G

South Fulton, GA 30349


Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2022

James Emerson, MSN, FNP-C, a board-certified family nurse practitioner, earned his Master of Science in Nursing from Chamberlain University after obtaining his BSN and ADN from Excelsior College and his LPN from Southern Crescent Technical College, all with cum laude honors. Earlier, he received his paramedic degree from Clayton State University, also cum laude. With 625 hours of practicum experience, he has acute care, chronic disease management, and patient education expertise. Before joining our center in 2024, Mr. Emerson worked as an emergency room registered nurse at Piedmont Hospital for over seven years, specializing in critical care, trauma management, and advanced life support. His earlier role as a licensed practical nurse in behavioral health allowed him to care for patients with complex emotional and physical needs, shaping his holistic, patient-centered approach. Focused on senior health, he helps older adults maintain independence, manage chronic conditions, and improve their quality of life. Mr. Emerson chose healthcare to help individuals achieve better health and well-being. Outside of work, he enjoys traveling, volunteering, and spending time with his family.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 8547331
  • DeVoted: 1285364471
  • Medicare: G1257591

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