Esiquiel Francisco Gonzalez, PAC

CenterWell Brownsville

1454 Central Blvd.

Brownsville, TX 78520


Languages spoken

English, Spanish

Board certifications

National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants 2016

Esiquiel F Gonzalez, PA-C, joined CenterWell as a board-certified physician assistant. Mr. Gonzalez earned his Master's in Physician Assistant Studies magna cum laude from the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley in 2016. He received his Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science magna cum laude from the University of Texas-Pan American in 2011 and his Bachelor of Arts in Biology from the University of Texas at Austin in 2008. . Before joining CenterWell in 2023, Mr. Gonzalez practiced as a physician assistant in family medicine with Cano Health-Brownsville for two years and previously with Dr. Lorenzo Pelly at Valley Doctors Clinic in Brownsville, TX, for six years, focusing on internal medicine and geriatrics. Mr. Gonzalez's dedication to addressing diabetes and heart health echoes his affinity for working with older adults. He believes that careful listening is paramount in enhancing his patients' quality of life and health, a principle that echoes the values upheld by CenterWell. Mr. Gonzalez chose a career in healthcare out of a warm dedication to seniors and safeguarding their well-being. Outside of his work, he enjoys quality time with his family and reading books.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 6293573
  • Allwell Medicare by Superior: 1720510183
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield: 1720510183
  • Cigna: 1720510183
  • Humana: A40634
  • Medicaid: 1720510183
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00758171
  • Medicare: 6D9525
  • Prominence: 1720510183
  • WellPoint: 1720510183
  • Wellcare: 3779269

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