Elaine Grimes-Dixon, APRN

CenterWell Morrow

1821 Mount Zion Rd.

Morrow, GA 30260


Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Nurses Credentialing Center 2021

Elaine Grimes-Dixon, APRN, joined our center as an adult and geriatric nurse practitioner. An alum of Maryville University and Cardinal Stritch University, she earned two master's degrees. Ms. Grimes-Dixon began her career as a staff RN at John Doyne Hospital and, more recently, was a Care Manager Team Lead with Humana. She's worked with older adults in multiple clinical settings, including assisted living, family practice, skilled nursing facilities, as well as in patient homes. From the time she was a nursing home volunteer as a teenager, she found service to be very rewarding. Combining that with an interest in science, her choice of profession would be in a caregiving capacity. Ms. Grimes-Dixon believes that the provider-patient relationship is a partnership built on respect, trust, and motivating her patients toward wellness. She says that the best part about being an NP is seeing her patients reach their health goals, and she ensures patient satisfaction by active listening, honoring a patient's wishes, and being non-judgmental, empathetic, and transparent. She is married and, in her free time, enjoys gardening, dancing, roller skating, and spending time with her daughter.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 6162563
  • Anthem: 1790453934
  • Cigna: 1790453934
  • DeVoted: 1790453934
  • Humana: 012443
  • Medicaid: 003259374C
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00269903
  • Medicare: G288355196
  • Sonder Health Plan: 1790453934
  • United Healthcare: 00010906075
  • Wellcare: 3003349

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