Celina Brown, APRN

CenterWell Opelousas

1511 Commerce Blvd.,

Suite 6

Opelousas, LA 70570


Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2024

Celina Brown, FNP-C is a highly experienced and dedicated Family Nurse Practitioner. She earned her Master's degree in Family Nurse Practitioner from Grambling State University and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Louisiana State University-Alexandria. Celina is board certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner and holds certifications in wound care and Basic Life Support (BLS). She also holds a certification as a Train the Trainer, where she provides training skills and knowledge on providing quality care for the older population's daily living. She is a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. She served as a Family Nurse Practitioner at Curana Health in Shreveport-Bossier and surrounding areas in north Louisiana. Mrs. Brown was the Director of Nursing Services at Priority Management in Bossier City, LA, where she managed SNF rehab and long-term care patients, ensuring state compliance and quality medical care. Outside of her professional life, Celina enjoys participating in volunteer work and spending time with family.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Medicare: 7G1880

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