Barbara Lis, MD

CenterWell Chesapeake

1501 Sentinel Dr.,

Suite 407

Chesapeake, VA 23320


Eastern Virginia Medical School

Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Family Medicine 2000

Dr. Barbara Lis is a Board-Certified Family Medicine Physician with broad experience in primary care, urgent care, and leadership. She earned her M.D. from Eastern Virginia Medical School and a B.S. in Biology, Cum Laude, from Old Dominion University. She is board certified in Family Medicine and holds certifications in BLS, ACLS, and First Aid/CPR/AED. Dr. Lis has served as a Staff Physician at Alliance Physical Therapy, treating personal injury patients, and as a Telemedicine Physician with Grand Rounds Medical Group. She was also a Primary Care Physician at Sentara Family Medicine Physicians and Medical Director at Chesapeake Care Clinic. Passionate about patient care, she stays current with medical information to enhance her practice. Outside of work, she enjoys family time, the outdoors, and gardening.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 7569179
  • Anthem: 23739543
  • Medicaid: 1003872888
  • Medicare: VVM428O264

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