Aymer M Al-Mutairi, MD

CenterWell Jacinto City

1910 John Ralston Rd.,

Suite 200

Houston, TX 77013


University Of Cairo

Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Board of Family Medicine 2014

Dr. Aymer Al-Mutairi is a fellowship-trained, board-certified family medicine specialist. Dr. Al-Mutairi performed postdoctoral fellowships in health services research and primary care research. He completed his family medicine residency at Baylor College of Medicine and holds a Master of Science in applied health informatics from the University of Texas. He earned his medical degree from Cairo University. His accolades include the Star Award for Excellence in Patient Care and the Outstanding Service & Citizenship Award from Baylor College of Medicine, and the Houstonian Top Doctor. His research has been published in medical journals such as the American Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American College of Radiology. Before joining CenterWell in 2023, Dr. Al-Mutairi was the founding medical director of River Oaks Clinic, Baylor Medicine. He was previously a primary care physician at Baylor Clinic in the Texas Medical Center and with Corporate Health at the JP Morgan Center in Houston. Dr. Al-Mutairi chose medicine for the privilege of improving people's lives. Outside of work, he enjoys cooking, spending quality time with family, and traveling.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 5007845
  • Cigna: 1861712481
  • Humana: 628450
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00766011
  • Medicare: 6B0073

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