Astrid Rosa Velez, MD

CenterWell Lake Underhill

11242 East Colonial Dr.

Orlando, FL 32817


Languages spoken

English, Spanish

Board certifications

American Board of Family Medicine 2016

Astrid Rosa Velez, MD is a highly competent and team-oriented physician known for her strong communication skills and dedication to providing safe, efficient, and patient-centered care. Dr. Rosa earned her Medical Degree from Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, Mexico, and completed her Family Medicine Residency at Mayaguez Medical Center. With certifications from the American Board of Family Medicine and the American Board of Obesity Medicine, Dr. Rosa is also ECGMG Certified and a BLS Provider. She holds a DEA License and is a member of the Florida Academy of Family Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Her previous roles include providing house calls for homebound patients at Mobile Physician Services and serving as a Primary Care Physician at CenterWell and RMA of South Orlando. Outside of her professional life, Dr. Velez is dedicated to continuous learning and staying up-to-updated with the latest medical advancements. She loves spending time with family, traveling, and listening to music.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield: DE57G
  • Medicaid: 106311800
  • Medicare: UK406

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