Annelise Corry Evans, PAC

CenterWell North Charleston

1213 Remount Rd.,

Suite E

North Charleston, SC 29406


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Board certifications

National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants 2022

Annelise C. Evans, PA-C is a dedicated and compassionate Physician Assistant specializing in family medicine. She earned her Master's in Physician Assistant Studies from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC, and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Psychology from Gonzaga University. Ms. Evans was recognized as a National Health Service Corps Scholar in September 2021, reflecting her dedication to serving underserved communities. She practiced at HopeHealth in Lake City, SC, where she focused on chronic disease management, preventative medicine, and overall patient wellness. She gained valuable experience as a Diagnostic Technician and Contact Lens Technician at EyeHealth Northwest in Happy Valley, OR, and as a Hospital and Clinic Transportation Aide at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, OR. She also volunteered at OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital and worked as a Medical Scribe with ScribeAmerica. Outside of her professional life, Annelise enjoys staying active and engaged in her community.

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