Amabelle Florendo, APRN

CenterWell Hampton

1118 W. Mercury Blvd.

Hampton, VA 23666


Languages spoken

English, Tagalog

Board certifications

American Nurses Credentialing Center 2022

Amabelle Picardo Florendo, MSN, AG-ACNP-BC, a board-certified adult-gerontology-acute care nurse practitioner, earned her Master of Science in Nursing from Walden University, completing clinical rotations in family practice, vascular surgery/clinic, and cardiology, emergency department, and surgical oncology. She received her BSN from Pines City Colleges in the Philippines. Before joining CenterWell in 2023, Ms. Picardo Florendo was a nurse practitioner with First Care PC in Chesapeake, VA, and Sentara RMH Internal Medicine in Harrisonburg, VA. She worked as a hospitalist with Peninsula Regional Medical Center and previously was an ICU RN at Sentara Careplex Hospital, an ambulatory nurse with Sentara Medical Group Cardiology, and an RN case manager with Personal Touch Home Health. Her passion for addressing exercise, diabetes, and obesity reflects CenterWell's values. Ms. Picardo Florendo chose healthcare to make a positive impact on people's lives by prioritizing their health, and she supports organizations involved in medical and dental outreach, food pantry campaigns, and leadership training. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling, the outdoors, and spending time with family.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 6419633
  • Anthem: 20340025
  • Cigna: 1790272441
  • Humana: A30669
  • Medicaid: 1568162808
  • Medicare: VVU650O264
  • Sentara Health: 11125472
  • United Healthcare: 00040625096

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