Alexandria M Salois, APRN

CenterWell Outer Loop

4521 Outer Loop

Louisville, KY 40219


Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2016

Alexandria Salois, MSN, APRN, AOCNP, BMTCN, a board-certified family nurse practitioner, graduated from Florida State University and the University of Louisville and earned a Master of Science in Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner. Before joining CenterWell in 2022, Mrs. Salois was a blood and marrow transplant APRN at the University of Louisville. Mrs. Salois enjoys working with older adults and feels her various roles have prepared her to treat patients of all ages. “The population might change, but the building blocks of caring for a patient are the same,” she remarked. Ms. Salois appreciates working at CenterWell, where she observes a holistic approach that considers all barriers a patient might have, not just medical. She chose to enter the healthcare profession out of a passion for helping others, and she values caring for her patients. Her philosophy of care is to treat the patient as a whole and take the time to listen. “You cannot go wrong with communication,” stated Mrs. Salois. She believes that the right doctor-patient relationship is a symbiotic one. A wife and mother, in her free time, she loves to go running and is working on her doctorate in nursing practice.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 6576573
  • Anthem: 15257150
  • DeVoted: 1700331535
  • Humana: 070451
  • Medicaid: 7100436430
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00653544
  • Medicare: K216841
  • United Healthcare: 00170141863
  • Wellcare: 3328883

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